The pork supply chain of O.P.A.S:
- is of quality;
- includes only pigs born and reared in Italy and slaughtered at the Opas plant;
- is based on a guaranteed traceability system at all stages of the process;
- is certified, as described below.
Along the supply chain the following is performed:
Veterinary checks
The pigs in the supply chain, upon arrival, are provided with: declaration of origin of the animal indicating any health treatments carried out in the last 90 days, information on the food chain and supplementary health certificate.
Feed controls
With regard to laboratory checks carried out on the feed sector, the self-control plan implemented
by the feed mills responsible for the production of feed delivered to farms in the OPAS controlled supply chain is used.
In this way, the final consumer is guaranteed a controlled food product from the earliest stages of the animal's life, with the awareness on the part of OPAS that the quality of the meat depends, first of all, on how the animal lives and feeds.
The farms of OPAS members guarantee the animals quality environments, nutrition and living conditions, minimizing psycho-physical stress and maintaining a high level of immune defenses.
The traceability, sustainability and quality of the OPAS pork supply chain are guaranteed by the following certifications:
- Food safety BRC-IFS
- Organic Farming REG. EC No. 848/2018 (certification issued by "Suolo e Salute" and valid only for organic pigs)
- Traceability and Guaranteed Supply Chain / UNI EN ISO 22005/2007 and DT 33
- Antibiotic Free Supply Chain / UNI EN ISO 22005/2007 DT 35 that guarantees the absence of antibiotics from the first weeks of life of the animal (from the 49th day of life of the pig) until slaughter.
- Animal Welfare supply chain and responsible use of drugs / UNI EN ISO 22005/2007 DT 40 to safeguard the aspects related to animal welfare (stress reduction, controlled feeding, comfortable environments) and the correct and responsible use of drugs in pig farms.