

The approach to sustainability applied and encouraged by o.p.a.s. and its activities in line with the principles of the farm to fork strategy and the Green Deal.

In Opas, sustainability and respect for the environment are central issues for the performance of its activities and represent important areas of investment and development, for which an Environmental Management System was adopted in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard and a Sustainability Report was drawn up in 2023. In the course of its work, OPAS has implemented systems and flows to reduce the consumption of resources such as water and energy, reduce waste production and CO2 emissions.

Here are some actions and results obtained in 2023:

  • Increased use of recycled packaging (compared to 2020, the consumption of plastic packaging has been reduced by 12 tons);
  • Installation of a high efficiency gas cogenerator (self-production of 17,238,000 kwh);
  • Installation of purification systems for recirculation of wastewater for non-food use (308.00 m3 of water saved inone year);
  • Recycling of 98% of waste;
  • Installation of 50 hives in the green area of the OPAS operating district in Carpi and cultivation of melliferous essences for the protection of biodiversity and for a positive impact on the landscape.

OPAS has participated with its own technicians, researchers and companies of the producer members, keeping in mind to continuously update and develop the PO and to maintain a high level of sustainability of the productions and the welfare of the animals of its members.